Roberto Muñoz


Roberto Muñoz


Sales Breakthrough Training Program

Sales Skills for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

October 17 and 24

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Serendipity Labs, Middleton, WI

How does a busy entrepreneur get better at sales?

As a business owner, you run from one task to the next, you move quickly, and need to be proficient at multiple skills.  This Training will teach you to be very proficient at selling your product or service. 

Stop assuming what your client needs. 

Stop looking for the perfect sales pitch.

You will learn to put your client at the center of your sales efforts, you will have better conversations with your prospects, they will appreciate the value of working with you, and they will keep coming back and referring you more often.  

The training program will follow these four stages, split into two days, 3 hrs each day:

1. Know yourself

Let's focus on you, your strengths and skills, and how you interact with others.  Identify communication styles and adapt for impactful conversations.

2. Client Focus

Plan and research before you meet with your prospect.  Prepare your questions so you can find what they need and what is important to them.

3. Qualify and Present

Identify the pains and gains at the top of your prospect's goals.  Find how you can help to reach them and how you add value.  Present them using their words.

4. Transition

Not all questions are objections, learn to differentiate them and to identify the conditions for commitment to buy.  Choose your ideal style to close.

Learning Methodologies

Gain access to multiple tools to optimize your sales process. 

This is a dynamic and thought-provoking exercise designed to create your own action plan. 


You will receive two assessments: DISC and Sales Skills Index.  Find your footing to take advantage of your unique skills, strengths, and preferred style.

Class Training

Break down the stages of the sale from prospecting to onboarding.  Small, simple steps simplify the process so you can focus on making progress

Role Play and Practice

Bring your real-life situation to class and start planning your next sales call, pitch, or negotiation.  Practice and role play with us so you can execute confidently.

October 17 and 24, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Serendipity Labs, 525 Junction Rd, Suite 6500, Middleton WI

Enroll now $495

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Which stage(s) of sales need(s) improvement? (check all that apply)* Required field!

In the meantime...

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If you have questions, please reach out to us.

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